Intelligent Information Management Systems
Both organizations in the Chesapeake and their clients must have information from multiple places to complete tasks, and this adds additional complexity if that data is not easily accessible.
The legacy route was to combine data into a central location but this route is not viable long term as one system can’t govern everything, particularly in some mid-range to large companies.In lieu of isolated data that is difficult to access and causes process bottlenecks, there should be a way to combine all the content together, particularly for users accessing numerous applications. Fortunately, with today’s open APIs, interconnected systems, and cloud technology, it’s become clear that conventional tools are being pulled out. Instead, Intelligent Information Management Systems are helping companies to gain visibility into their vital data, uncover their value, and achieve positive outcomes.
Intelligent Information Management Benchmark Report
You might be stunned to learn that 83% of staffers have had to recreate documents as a result of not being able to find it on their corporate network. In fact, 86% of employees struggle to access the data resources they require to do their task. In a recent analysis, IDC shared that content management inefficiencies cost organizations over 20% of their productivity per year or $20,000 per staffer.
What Do The Experts Say?
“The new replacement term for ECM will be intelligent information management, which is first and foremost the realization that a single content repository to store everything is — and always will be — a pipe dream. Consolidation and simplification, yes, but ripping and replacing mission-critical content systems in the quest to get everything in one place is just not a reality for most organizations.”
At Wave, we offer a number of consultative methods to support businesses determine, plan, and obtain a forward-thinking, rewarding, and sustainable intelligent information management system.