Back Office Modernization in the Age of Digital Transformation

As companies continue to leverage digitalsoftware to remain competitive and improve the buyer journey, we’re starting to see an alarming trend that negatively impacts legacy organizations in Chesapeake who’ve been using the same workflows and software for years.

When businesses begin the voyage toward Digital Transformation, they tend to prioritize customer-facing departments like Customer Service, Sales, and Marketing and neglect the Back Office. While it’s critical to improve the customer journey and accurately market your products and services, forgetting about specific parts of the company that also help customers, vendors, partners, and employees can hurt your capability to provide a smooth experience for all parties.

Our View

In our humble opinion, the Back Office is the heart of your business. If your system creates bottlenecks, the productivity of your entire business deteriorates. For example, let’s say a organization acquires a new client in minutes but requires a month to spin up a new employee or supplier. That’s an issue because both your employees' talent and your supplier’s products play a vital role in providing exceptional service to the customer. Therefore, if those components are not operating efficiently, your client is ultimately who is disadvantaged. Your Front Office can only be as seamless as your Back Office, and both must be considered during a strategic digital transformation.